Holistic living and learning to nurture our physical, mental, intellectual, social, energetic and spiritual being.
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I’m inviting you to make better, healthier choices in life. Start by checking out my collection of helpful fitness articles that will put you on the path towards a fitter and healthier you.
It doesn't really matter what the dream is - what's important is how you approach it. Think about it for a moment - if you don't believe something is achievable then you are setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy, aren't you? On the other hand, if you have a positive belief in your ability to achieve something then surely you will find a way!
Learning to be mindful can be a positive force for good in helping us clarify what we want to achieve, setting the intention within us, whilst at the same time helping us to stay grounded in the reality and focus on the here and now. When things go wrong, as they surely will from time to time, it can help us to cope and reset.
Here are some simple tips to help you get started:
* Be clear about what your goal actually is: write it down and use the SMART principles to define it (Specific, Measurable, Achievable & Realistic and Time-framed).
* Keep a daily journal about your actions, thoughts, processes, feelings - anything that you feel you want to write down. Make sure you note even the smallest wins and look back over it from time to time - you'll be amazed at how far you have progressed.
* Don't forget to look after yourself - a little bit of self-care can go a long way when we are so focussed - so think about your nutrition, fitness and meditation and balance your dreams with the here and now!
* Most importantly of all KEEP DREAMING! There's no such thing as an impossible dream!
Why not tell us if you have a fitness or wellness- related goal and if I can walk alongside you even for part of the way I will be thrilled.
Did you know that chronic sleep deprivation can:
change your mood, making you irritable and fatigued. Long term sleep deprivation can lead to chronic mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.
cause brain fog, making it difficult for you to concentrate or make decisions
increase your risk of having an accident at home, work or on the road (are you too tired to drive?)
make you vulnerable to serious health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and heart conditions
lower your immunity to everyday illness such as colds and flu
affect your hormones and make you have food cravings
Your sleep quality is a vital component of your fitness routine. Good quality sleep will ensure your energy levels and mood are high.
Here are our few of our ideas to give your the best chance of a good night's sleep:
Pay attention to your circadian rhythms - your internal body clock! Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even at weekends! Your body clock works on a 24 hour cycle - by developing regular sleep and waking times your sleep quality will improve and your mood and energy levels will be much better.
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep is the restorative part of our sleep cycle. During non-REM sleep our body repairs tissue, builds bone and muscle and strengthens our immune system. If our sleep is disrupted our body will go straight to REM sleep to make up for lost time and skip the repair mode. It's best to avoid heavy meals, late night snacks or stimulants like coffee, alcohol or nicotine before bed.
Melatonin is the hormone that promotes sleep. Light slows the production of this hormone. Make sure your bedroom is a sleep friendly environment by using blackout curtains and making sure it's a comfortable temperature.
The human body is sensitive to blue light which is the type of light used in our screen-based devices. - so ditch the digitals at least an hour before bed.
Whether you enjoy going for a daily walk, or throwing yourself headlong into a high intensity workout exercise can improve your physical and mental wellbeing, and that, in turn, can improve your sleep quality immensely.
Follow these simple guidelines and sleep well!
Exploring our relationship with food and how to use mindful nutrition and eating to help our weight management programmes.